Doesn't he look cool!

Aloha everyone! Thought that I would join the cool gang of bloggers out there! This is just to let you know how we are doing and what we have been up to this summer.
With just Jacob at home, you would think that our lives would be slow, but we have been very busy! Jacob just finished peewee baseball..It was the cheapest and best entertainment in town! Ed helped out with the team and I don't know who had more fun..father or son!
Here are some pictures of Kekoa's son Noapaka! Jacob and him are at the school by our house playing on the new playground equipment! They had so much fun! Noa is a cutie and just like a little Kekoa!!
Such a stylin' guy with the bright orange bandana!!
Can't believe how he looks just like Koa with blonde hair! He's adorable!
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